Subskriptionsweine - Peter Sisseck


PSI 2023 | Flor de Pingus 2023 | Pingus 2023 | Château Rocheyron 2023

Wir freuen uns sehr über die jubelnden Worte von Peter Sisseck über den Jahrgang 2023 SEINER Weine, denn im Allgemeinen hat sich dieser Jahrgang wohl einmal mehr als schwierig erwiesen - aber seine langjährige Erfahrung im Ribera del Duero Gebiet hat ihn zu richtigen Entscheidungen getrieben, wie man seinen Beschreibungen entnehmen darf.

Pingus 2023 is easily one of the best wines we have made.
We have come a long way from the Pingus’s of the past, it is all very transparent and balanced.
In a strange way I feel like the Pingus of the last couples of years, are transcending the vintages.
It is much more Pingus than a wine of its vintage.
Flor de Pingus 2023 is a wine of balance.
The combination with older vines, and now the younger vines from our own masal section are starting to find a great balance of freshness and depth.
Never an overpowering wine, but always playing on balance and light of touch. The 2023 Flor is playing the role of the charmer of the year.

PSI 2023 is gaining in finesse and becoming a great wine in itself.
The old vines of our selection , is made for such a complex year as 2023
Even at lower alcohol, the wine shows a real ripeness even more intense than Flor de Pingus.With more of an inner core but also real elegance .
The 8 % Grenache is also helping the mid palate. The tannins shows a bit of limestone grip. The aging in the big oak tanks (foudre) will help to smooth that out. That we could make such a great PSI in 2023, is a great sign that we have a system and the people in place to handled these hic-ups from nature. A real triumph!

Chateau Rocheyron 2023 the brightness of the dark colour gives an idea of the low pH (3,46) and the freshness of wine.
The fullness of the Merlot plus the 25 % of Cabernet Franc (Bouchet), helps to lift the palate. Very fine tannins to the full but weightless mid palate, shows a complex game around the ripeness of the vintage with firmness of the limestone plateau. This is a wine I would love to produce most years if I could avoid the stress of the actual growing season.